What’s New

Summer 2024 camper registration and job postings are open! Check out our summer pages for campers, paid staff, volunteers, and parents.

Our 2024 Summer team is fully hired! Thank you to everyone who shared our posts, recommended friends and family, and to those who applied!

We are still looking for Junior Volunteers for this summer! If you are finished grade 8 or older and are interested in volunteering a week or more at camp, check out out volunteer page for more information!

Read our 2023 AGM Annual Report here

Upcoming Events

We’ve had so much interest in Single Mother’s Family Camp over the past few years that we’ve added a second camp! Registration is open! More information on the camps can be found here. If you have any questions, feel free to email daylene@campnakamun.com.

Family Camp 1 is taking place June 28-July 1. There are still some motels and RV sites available! Register here!

Check out our Latest Video

Naka news

We send out a monthly newsletter to fill you in on what’s new and exciting here at Nak, as well as upcoming events and information.

Check out last month’s newsletter here

Encounter God

Enrich Relationships

Experience Creation