The best way to Spend your Summer

Registration is open! volunteers can now register for slt camp to apply.

We have Volunteer positions available for people of all ages who want to dedicate part of their summer to serving here. All Volunteer Positions must attend Staff Leadership Training (SLT) in order to be trained and become familiar with your role, our policy, and our team. All Volunteer Position applications are open! To apply, simply register for SLT Camp – the application form is embedded in the camp registration form. When you register for SLT you will be automatically waitlisted – this does not mean the camp is full! This is because we need to manually place you in the camp once we review your application. We will reach out to our volunteers so please make sure your phone number and email are in your profile when you register.

IMPORTANT: Underage volunteer staff must have their parent/guardian register them for SLT. However, volunteers need to fill out the application using their own account with their own email address.

Volunteer Positions

  • Junior Worker

    Junior Worker


    REPORTS TO: Junior Team Leads  

    Requirements: Must be completed grade 8 or higher


    Jr. Workers are a vital role in supporting the ministry by serving others. You will be working with the Jr. Leads, as well as the other Jr. Workers volunteering that week, to serve staff and campers as well as maintain the cleanliness of camp. This includes serving meals, cleaning up after each meal, and cleaning the facilities throughout the week.

    Each week you will be assigned a cabin that you will be a part of. When you are dismissed from your cleaning duties, you will be able to go hang out with your assigned cabin. This is to allow you to get an idea of what it would be like to be a Jr. Cabin Leader as well as be able to get involved in more ministry aspects of camp. When you are with the cabin, you are responsible to be a help, not a hinderance to the Sr. Cabin leader. You are not another camper, you are staff. The expectation is for you to be involved in what your cabin is doing and to get to know your campers. You will be given time to hang out and have a break with your fellow Jr. Workers throughout the week so when you are with your campers, you need to be present with them.  

  • Junior Cabin Leaders

    Junior Cabin Leaders


    REPORTS TO: Ministry Coordinator, Senior Cabin Leader

    REQUIREMENTS: Must be completed grade 10 or higher. This position requires a short interview (about 15 minutes) which will be done over video chat. Once we receive your registration, we will reach out to schedule this with you.

    During your volunteer week, you will be placed in a cabin with a Sr. Cabin Leader and 8- 10 campers for the whole week. Your role is to support the Sr. Cabin leader in the responsibility of caring for each camper in your cabin. The Sr. Cabin leaders will have the overall responsibility for the cabin and need your help to ensure each camper is cared for and having a good time. Building relationships with the campers, making sure they are safe and physical needs are met, getting cabin to activities and games on time are a few examples of the responsibilities each week. When the Sr is on a break you will have the opportunity to step up and offer leadership to the cabin during that time.

    During camp program there will be games and activities that we will need help running. Jr. Cabin leaders will be given the responsibility to be a part in helping make those happen. This could be by leading your cabin through the game or being a role in the activity/game ex: Kangaroo Karaoke, Blindfold musical chairs, etc.)  

    We want each camper who comes to camp to see Jesus and have a good experience at camp. As a Jr. Cabin leader, you will be a main contact to the campers that come and therefore will be a key part in their experience at camp. Being positive and encouraging throughout the week with your campers makes for a great week. If your campers hear you complaining or if you are not participating in activities, then it will reflect on the campers experience. When you come for your week(s) of camp, make sure you keep that in mind.  

  • Junior Media Assistant

    Junior Media Assistant


    REPORTS TO: Ministry Coordinator – Media 

    REQUIREMENTS: Must be completed grade 10 or higher and able to work alone and as part of a team.

    The Junior Media Assistant’s primary role during the day is to take pictures and videos. This includes coordinating with Cabin Leaders to get pictures of their cabins, going to activities to collect footage, and bringing a camera to organized field games and other programmed activities.

    There are several programmed events and activities throughout the day that require audio and visual support. This includes changing slides during chapel, providing music or media during variety shows, and facilitating PowerPoints during games. Junior Media Assistants will always be prepped by their Media Lead to be sure they are confident in running these.

    Each week you will be assigned a cabin that you will be a part of. When you are dismissed from your media duties, you will be able to go hang out with your assigned cabin. This is to allow you to get involved in more ministry aspects of camp. When you are with the cabin, you are responsible to be a help, not a hinderance to the Sr. Cabin leader. You are not another camper, you are staff. The expectation is for you to be involved in what your cabin is doing and to get to know your campers.  

  • Junior Day Camp Assistant

    Junior Day Camp Assistant


    REPORTS TO: Day Camp Lead

    REQUIREMENTS: Must be completed grade 10 or higher. This position requires a short interview (about 15 minutes) which will be done over video chat. Once we receive your registration, we will reach out to schedule this with you.

    The Junior Day Camp Assistant will work with the Day Camp Lead to facilitate our Day Camp program. This runs separately from our Main Site overnight camps, but overlaps in some areas like activities and meals. Some ways you might assist the Day Camp Lead are:

    • supervising the campers
    • setting up games/crafts/projects
    • helping campers with activities


  • Junior Grounds Crew

    Junior Grounds Crew


    REPORTS TO: Grounds Crew Lead

    REQUIREMENTS: Must be completed grade 8 or higher and have an interest in maintenance projects.

    The Junior Grounds Crew will work on the Grounds Crew team to help keep the facilities kept. You will be assigned tasks and taught how to do them by the Grounds Crew Lead. Some tasks might include:

    • stocking firewood
    • weeding and watering trees & flower beds
    • garbage pick up
    • other maintenance jobs


Summer Volunteer FAQ

  • 01
    Is SLT mandatory?


    SLT is jam packed with team-building and training. We never seem to have enough time to go through all we could, but we do what we can.

    SLT is the key to starting the summer right. It gives up a solid foundation to go into the season and it’s a really fun way to get the whole team together.

    The week includes big group team-building, small group training, outdoor activity prep and training, site prep, safety training, and a lot of fun games and community time in between.

    If you have any questions or concerns about your availability, please email

  • 02
    When do I work?

    We work with you to find a week that works best for your schedule. Everyone gets 1 volunteer week. If you would like more than one week, and if more weeks are open, then there will be a sign up time at SLT.

  • 03
    Do I fill out my application or do my parents?

    You do. This is YOUR application, so a great chance for you to tell us about yourself:)

    Parents, if you are helping your volunteer fill out their application, be sure that they are using their own email address and that their name in the correct fields instead of yours. Sometimes we get applications with the parent’s name as the volunteer, which is very confusing.

  • 04
    How much time is this commitment? How many weeks do I work?

    Everyone needs to commit 2 weeks of their summer. The first is SLT week. The second is your volunteer week. More volunteer weeks may be made available depending on how many spaces we need to fill. We will be looking to fill these spaces in the summer calendar when we meet together at SLT.

  • 05
    How do I apply?

    This year all volunteer applications will be done by registering for SLT. There is an application form embedded into the SLT registration form which will include your regular application questions. We are doing it this way to decrease the amount of paperwork you need to do! Once we have your registration, we will reach out to you to schedule an interview (if applicable).