big things are happening
We are so excited to announce that building for our Foundations for the Future Capital Project is beginning! We can’t wait to share all the updates on the project with you.
Foundations for The Future
Foundations for the Future includes 3 building projects which will help us facilitate the number of people we have here more efficiently, keep our site in working order, grow our summer program, and significantly cut down long-term utility costs.
1 – Summer Camp
We have added communication doors to a number of our motel-style accommodations. This allows us to convert these rooms into cabins in the summer, expanding the number of campers we can have each week.
2 – Maintenance
Our maintenance team has long overgrown our current shop. We will be building a new maintenance shop, equipped with everything our team would need to keep camp running, and removed from the busy-ness of our property to minimize the heavy traffic around the guests and campers. Our current shop will then be converted to a space that we can use for summer program.
3 – Utilities
With the building of our shop, we’ll need to upgrade our electrical infrastructure. This project will involve removing our overhead power lines, and applying site specific upgrades to ensure our needs for power are satisfied for the next 25+ years of expected growth.
We are also nearing completion of an investigation into a new technology, mechanical evaporators, that we could deploy within our wastewater handling system. These devices could significantly reduce and possibly even eliminate the need for wastewater hauling. If we are able to prove out and deploy this technology, it could save us up to $60,000 annually and ensure capacity for future camp growth.
More Info
March 20th, 2024
Thanks to the generosity of our donors, and to the Government of Alberta for approving us for the CFEP Grant, the project 90% funded! We are confident to move forward at this time, but are still looking to raise an additional $108,000 to reach the $1,113,000 total project budget. More information on the project including Project Finances can be found in this document.

May 1st, 2024
Construction has begun! Over the past few weeks we have had large trucks and equipment here preparing the site for the new maintenance shop to be built! They have leveled the ground, added the necessary utilities, built a service road, and spread gravel over the whole site. The next step will be laying the foundation for the building! We are still short of our $1,113,000 project budget and are looking to raise $106,000 more dollars to complete the project. If you are willing and able to donate, you can do so here.
June 3rd, 2024
Last week our wonderful construction crew poured the foundation for our new maintenance shop! Soon they’ll return to construct the walls, and the actual structure will be completed quickly! The next step afterwards will be windows and doors, siding, and other interior finishings.
July 30th, 2024
The building is going up quickly! Colours were chosen and materials were ordered. We now have a roof, and walls are going up!
September 30th, 2024
Construction has been steadily continuing as we transition into fall. Last month, EQUS was here digging trenches and laying the electrical equipment to convert our over head power lines into underground. We’re still waiting on a few key pieces of equipment before we can switch our power to the underground wires, but once we do we’ll have power to all our facilities, including our new shop!
We’re onto the internal touches for the shop! The cement floor has been poured, and insulation has been added. Walls for the different internal rooms have been built. They’re now working on the mezzanine, and figuring out a layout to determine where electrical outlets should be added.
January 27th, 2025
The new shop building is constructed! Our team is working to complete all of the electrical wiring inside the building. Once that is complete, the plumbers can come and finish up the pipes before everything gets inspected. Once the inspection is complete, we’ll be granted occupancy and can begin moving equipment into the building! Our maintenance team is so excited to switch from working ON the shop to working IN it.
Capital Project Gallery

The Cove

Earlier this year we received the Community Services Recovery Fund grant through the Government of Canada to build an outdoor classroom structure! Our new campfire, named The Cove, is located on our perimeter trail along the lake shore, and has covered seating for around 300 people. When we began running multiple main site camps simultaneously, we noticed our need for more large-scale gathering places. The Cove is spacious enough for our biggest camps to fit comfortably, and provides a beautiful view of the sunset over the lake each evening. This space is incredibly peaceful and serene, and we’ve loved having it as a place to worship and meet with God.
Camp Nakamun’s Outdoor Programming Optimization Project is funded by the Government of Canada under the Community Services Recovery Fund
Le projet d’optimisation de la programmation extérieure du Camp Nakamun est financé par le gouvernement du Canada sous le Fonds de relance des services communautaires
The Cove Gallery

get Involved
Project update video
Check out our most recent video update!
How to donate
We’re still seeking funds to complete our Capital Project! If you’d like to donate towards the project, you can do so online, by check made out to Camp Nakamun, or by e-transfer to Please make a note that you would like your donation to go towards our Capital Campaign project.
Sign up for our monthly newsletter
We send out a monthly newsletter outlining everything going on at camp including updates on the Foundations for the Future building project as they come!
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