Camp Nakamun has been operating as a kids summer camp for over 75 years! Our mission is to help people Encounter God, Enrich Relationships, and Experience Creation.

Encounter God: This is our “why”. Each week we have a speaker come to camp to share age-appropriate teachings and stories twice each day (chapel service and campfire). Our Cabin Leaders lead devotions each night in the cabin where campers have the chance to reflect on what they heard from the speaker that day, ask questions, and pray. We have seen God transform lives here in both campers and in staff, and are so excited to see what He continues to do here.

Enrich Relationships: Campers are divided into cabins of 8 campers and 2 staff members (one senior and one junior Cabin Leader). They spend each day doing fun activities together, playing silly games, dressing up for themed meals, making crafts, challenging themselves, and having a lot of fun. Deep friendships are made at camp, and it’s amazing to see how campers open up throughout the week.

Experience Creation: We are so blessed to be located on a beautiful lakeside property completely surrounded by creation. Here, campers get the chance to be outside more than they are probably used to. They can walk on the trails through the forest, lay in the grass, swim in the lake, and be fully engulfed by the sights and sounds of nature.

Camp Nakamun Is…

We believe that God is the creator, and that He loves his creation. God’s love is best seen in his son, Jesus. We want to learn from him, and share his message of hope and peace with all who join us here at Nakamun. God’s message is good, and kind, and open for all who are interested. This is the message that we desire to share with all of our campers.

Camp Nakamun Isn’t…

We are not here to manipulate anyone into religion. We’ve seen how harmful that can be. We do not pressure anyone to believe anything that they don’t want to.

* For the safety and supervision of all campers, being present in all aspects of the camp program is mandatory.

Parent Handbook

We’ve put together a handbook for parents to familiarize them with our camp, our policies, and procedures. There’s info on what to expect and what to bring so you and your camper feel ready for the week. Most of our frequently asked questions can be answered here, so please take the time to read through it if you’re considering sending your family to camp!

Camp Nakamun Details

  • What to Bring

    We’ve updated our packing lists to printable sheets to help make the packing process smoother for you and your family.

    Grade 1-3 and Grade 4-6 camp packing list

    Junior High and Senior High packing list


    If you have any questions about what to bring (or what not to bring) please reach out!

    Phone: 780-967-5585

    Email: info@campnakamun.com

    Happy packing!


    We’ve updated our packing lists to printable sheets to help make the packing process smoother for you and your family.

    Outdoor Camps packing list


    If you have any questions about what to bring (or what not to bring) please reach out!

    Phone: 780-967-5585

    Email: info@campnakamun.com

    Happy Packing!

    We’ve updated out packing lists to printable sheets to help make the packing process smoother for you and your family.

    Paintball Camp packing list


    Paintball campers spend a majority of their day at on paintball field, which means the clothes they wear will likely get dirty and covered in paint (which is fairly washable). We have a supply of coveralls for campers to wear, but consider leaving your expensive clothing/shoes at home so they don’t get ruined!

    If you have any questions about what to bring (or what not to bring) please reach out!

    Phone: 780-967-5585

    Email: info@campnakamun.com

    Happy Packing!

  • What Not To Bring

    What Not To Bring

    Our mission is to help people Encounter God, Enrich Relationships, and Experience Creation. Though technology is an important tool in everyday life, it also serves as a major distraction. For all our children and youth camp programs we ask you to leave your technology at home.

    This includes:

    • cell phones
    • smart watches
    • video games
    • music players & headphones

    Our tuck costs are included in camp registration, so there is no need for campers to bring money! We wouldn’t want your hard-earned cash to go missing.

    Finally, we are a peanut and nut aware facility. We do not serve food that contains or may contain nuts of any kind, and we ask that you leave your nutty snacks at home.

    As a general rule, we recommend not bringing anything of value that you wouldn’t want broken, dirty, or lost.

  • How to get here

    How to get here

    Google will usually give good directions to camp, but it will take you down the most fuel-efficient route by default which includes long stretches on gravel roads.

    This map shows our recommended route to camp from Edmonton. This route is 100% paved and is only about 5 minutes longer than the gravel route Google recommends. We recommend giving yourself extra time to get here, especially in the winter, as country roads can be less kept than city ones.

    Please check each camp description for the drop-off and pick-up times for that specific week! If you have any questions, feel free to call or email us:

    Phone: 780-967-5585

    Email: info@campnakamun.com



  • Safety at Camp Nakamun

    Safety at Camp Nakamun

    Our child protection policies and procedures are extensive, but in summary – they are intended to keep your child safe from harm while in our care. Key pieces of this policy and procedure are:

    • Background Checks – all adult staff, volunteers, and guests staying onsite for an extended period during summer camp are required to undergo a thorough criminal record check in the vulnerable sector.
    • Supervision – All policies and procedures are designed to ensure campers are appropriately supervised and prohibit an individual staff member from being alone with a camper.
    • Staff and Camper Visibility – Staff and Campers, are clearly identifiable and guests personally escorted. Site security measures require visitors to check in when arriving.


    We have a full Emergency Response plan to handle all reasonably foreseeable emergencies, for example: missing camper, injury or medical emergency, fire, severe weather, aggressive wildlife, chemical spill, or extended power outage.

  • Accommodations

    For most of our camps, kids stay in stand-alone cabins that are within a minute’s walk from bathrooms. Cabins hold 8-9 campers and 2-3 leaders.

    *Our Grade 1-3 campers will stay in our motel units as they limit the amount of walking, and have an attached washroom. These rooms accommodate 8 campers and 2-3 staff.

    All cabins have bottom and top bunks, and plastic covered twin mattresses.

    Cabins are assigned and cannot be chosen by campers, though they can choose which bed they sleep in within their assigned cabin (first come first serve). If campers would like to bunk with a friend, there is a spot on the registration form to list their friend’s name. More info on this can be found in the parent handbook.

    *some Junior and Senior High campers will also be assigned to motel style cabins depending on numbers and space. 

  • Food

    We offer a wide variety of filling and balanced meals that are served cafeteria style. Each meal your child will get to choose from several food options, and we always cook enough to make sure that there is an opportunity for seconds after everyone has been served (except for dessert).

    If your child has special dietary needs or food allergies and is unable to partake in all or a portion of our standard meals, please tell us ahead of time (there is space for this in the registration form). Our kitchen staff work hard to make sure everyone has appropriate alternatives available to them (e.g. allergen free, gluten free, vegan, vegetarian). However, we are a busy summer camp and do have limitations. In some cases, we may ask that you send specialized foods to help us meet your child’s needs.

  • Discounted Labels

    Discounted Labels

    We have a discount code with Mabel’s Labels, a Canadian company that produces high quality, customizable labels for clothing, water bottles, shoes, luggage, anything you can think of!

    Enter Camp Nakamun to support us, and use the code CAMP2025 for 10% off your purchase. Help us cut down on our lost & found items and label your child’s things with Mabel’s Labels!

Label your things for less

We are partnered with Mabel’s Labels to help cut down the amount of lost & found left behind by cutting down the cost of labels!

These labels are waterproof, incredibly durable, and come in many different styles for you to really make it your own!

Check out their website, choose our camp from the list to support us, and use the code CAMP2025 for 10% off your purchase!

Catch The Action

After you Register

Once you’ve registered, be sure to check your inbox for a confirmation email (check junk mail folder!). There you will see reminders for packing lists, drop-off and pick-up times, our Parent Handbook, and any other helpful information.

Follow along on Facebook, Youtube and Instagram as we serve up video and photo updates throughout each week.

Still have questions?
Lets Chat!

Parent FAQ

  • 01
    Which grade does my child go by?

    Our registration goes by what grade the camper will be completed in June. If they just finished grade 6, they should register for grade 4-6 camp, not grade 7-9 camp.

    We do not allow campers to “age up” to a different camp. Our camps are designed intentionally for the grade offered, and we’ve found bumping up campers from a younger grade is not successful for that camper, or for those in their cabin. In special circumstances we can “age down” a camper to a younger camp (completed grade 4 but attending grade 1-3 camp).

  • 02
    How are staff trained?

    All staff are interviewed prior to selection and are required to provide references. Those 18+ undergo a criminal record check in the vulnerable sector. All staff and volunteers are required to attend a week-long training camp at the start of the summer. This training includes:

    • Camp Nakamun Mission, Vision, and values
    • Organization Structure, roles and responsibilities
    • Child protection policies and procedures
    • Managing behavioural challenges and escalation procedures
    • Job specific operational and safety training
    • Personal spiritual formation
    • Sharing the gospel with children
    • Working with diverse campers
    • Team building

    Our staff are enthusiastic, they love children, and want to provide Godly mentorship throughout the short time they will interact with your child.

    However, while we train them how to respond to various situations that arise at camp, they do not have the specialized training needed to deal with more serious issues (i.e., they are not ‘counselors’).

  • 03
    What is the staff ratio within the cabin?

    Each cabin has 6-9 campers depending on numbers that week. With them there will be one Senior Cabin Leader (an adult paid staff member) and a Junior Cabin Leader (a junior volunteer, typically in grade 10 or higher).

  • 04
    Can I call my child?

    We know you may be curious how your camper is doing, but because of the size of our program it is administratively difficult for our staff to facilitate calls between campers and home. Further, we find that such phone calls can make homesickness worse rather than better. For these reasons, we strongly discourage phone calls except under special circumstances.

    If there are any challenges with or concerns about your camper, we will contact you.

    With that said, we will never prevent a child from calling home or a parent from speaking with a child. We will, however, often ask them to wait for a more convenient time to make that call. Often, as time passes, and the camper becomes engaged with the camp program, the anxiousness fades and the desire to talk to a parent subsides. If not, we will happily facilitate a call.

  • 05
    What is your cancellation policy?

    With 2 weeks or more notice given:

    We can cancel your registration and provide a refund, minus a $40 administration fee with at least 2 weeks notice prior to the start of your child’s camp.

    Less than 2 weeks notice given:

    Because the bulk of our costs to host your child at camp are incurred before the start of their week at camp we are unable to provide a refund if a cancelation is received within 2 weeks of the start of your child’s camp.

  • 06
    Do you serve nuts or peanuts?

    Camp Nakamun is a ‘Nut Aware’ facility. This means that nut products are prohibited from being included in any source we directly control (i.e., cafeteria, tuck, vending machines, coffee shop). We also strongly discourage campers and guests from bringing nuts on site.

    We ask that you please do not pack snacks containing nuts of any kind for your child. However, we cannot fully control what others choose to bring to the site. Therefore, we cannot guarantee your child will not be exposed to a nut product while onsite.

    When needed, campers should carry an epi-pen with them.

  • 07
    Can my child bunk with their friends?

    When registering, you have the option of requesting a cabinmate for your camper. A friend can help make the start of camp easier and less intimidating. However, a large group of friends coming together can make that start more socially challenging for the other campers in the cabin. To minimize this, our practise is to only put two friends together in a cabin.

    Please do not put more than one name on your cabinmate request as this makes it difficult for our team when they are making up cabins and more likely that your request does not turn out the way you expect. To ensure that your cabinmate request is honored, please ask the parent/guardian of the other child to also request your child as their cabinmate.

    If you want to make a change (i.e. add or change a cabinmate request), just call our office and we can adjust your registration for you.